
Speech therapist and Audiologist

Learning Disability

There is a problem with how the brain works in people with learning disabilities. Consequently, it is difficult for someone to learn, understand, or do things. An individual with this condition faces difficulties with everyday tasks - such as household chores, socializing, or managing money - for their entire lives.

Speech Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy focuses on Receptive Language (understanding and processing speech) and Expressive Language (using and expressing words), as well as mechanics of speech production, including articulation, pitch, fluency, and intensity. Adults may require Speech Therapy after a stroke or traumatic brain injury.

Voice Therapy

Voice therapy uses vocal cord exercises to prevent or treat voice disorders like hoarseness and laryngitis. Speech-language pathologists, respiratory therapists and voice coaches provide voice therapy.


If your child has been diagnosed with cluttering, it's critical to teach him compensatory measures. Although there isn't a "cure" for clutter, kids can learn strategies that will make them easier to understand by others. The first step for the majority of these kids is to let them know that it's happening.